Community Engaged Courses @ SDSU


List of SL/CE Courses @ SDSU*

The Center for Academic Community Engagement (ACE) partners with the CSU Center for Community Engagement (COCCE) to collect information about community-engaged and service learning courses at SDSU.

The COCCE's Community Engaged Learning Tool (CELT) – allows faculty to certify their community-engaged courses by analyzing the course information to determine an appropriate designation. The Community Service Learning (CSLI) and Curricular Community Engaged Learning (CCEL) course attributes help the university and the CSU system identify and recognize High Impact Practices (HIPs) happening across the University system.

All faculty at SDSU who teach community-engaged courses should complete the CELT process (takes about 15 minutes), which involves submitting a syllabus and answering a short survey about the course.

Annual CELT Reporting: CELT-certified course data are collected and shared via the annual CELT Report for the San Diego State Campus:

To learn more about SDSU's definitions of Community Engagement (CE) or Service Learning (SL), visit ACE's Definitions & Pedagogy webpage.

To request updates to the course list, please email [email protected].


*NOTE: The above linked list of courses at SDSU is dynamic. Courses meet at least one of the following two criteria:

  1. The course was reviewed by the Chancellor's Office using the Community Engagement Learning Tool (CELT) and has been certififed as either Community Engagement (CCEL) or Service Learning (CSLI)*. These are highlighted in green in the linked list of courses.
  2. The course was designated by SDSU as a Service Learning course in the past, even if that designation on the course was lost during the transition to a new student information system (2021).