GENS 200/400

Professional Experience and Community Service (1-3 units)

Course Description

General Studies 200 (GENS 200) and 400 (GENS 400) courses offer SDSU students the opportunity to receive up to six units of credit applicable to the bachelor’s degree for their participation in an internship or community engagement experiences. The purpose of the program is to provide community engaged experiences for students in departments or schools that do not have formal internship or community-engaged learning programs. Credit may be applied toward fulfillment of major or minor requirements only with the approval of the department chair or designee.

Schedule Number:

Schedule number is provided once a complete course application for the course is recieved and approved by the course instructor.


Amanda Fuller (She | Her | Hers)

Instructor Email:

Class Day/Time:


Student Enrollment Checklist

Download GENS 200-400 Student Enrollment Checklist PDF

  1. Meet with your major advisor to discuss whether there is an option for you to receive academic credit through your major. If not, continue to step 2.
  2. Secure a work, internship or service placement. Information on how to find and secure an placement can be found on the Career Services website.
  3. Complete the GENS 200/400 Course Application.
  4. Complete the required next steps depending on your Course Track:
Track A: Faculty Contract

This track is meant for students whose placement is on-campus with an SDSU faculty mentor. Track A requires the faculty member to supervise both the professional experience AND develop and supervise additional academic work required for academic credit (e.g. readings, assignments). Students complete the academic work outlined in the Faculty/Student Contract rather than the assignments and assessments outlined in the general GENS 200/400 syllabus, and may disregard most course communications. The faculty mentor determines the final grade in the course, and communicates that grade to the GENS 200/400 course instructor.

Track B: GENS 200/400 Course Completion

This track is meant for students whose placement is off campus, or on campus with a faculty member unable to develop and/or supervise the academic component of the course. Students complete the course under the supervision of the GENS 200/400 instructor, as outlined in this syllabus. The GENS 200/400 instructor determines the student’s final grade.

  • Send your employment/internship offer letter (on an official company email or stationary with physical address, websites, etc.) to the course instructor.
  • Complete an SDSU Student Release of Liability Waiver (PDF) and submit it to the course instructor.
  • If the agency/organization/company you will work with did not have an Service Learning Agreement (SLA) on file with SDSU (you should have verified this during the course application process), your course instructor will work directly with your organization to complete the required legal forms. The course instructor may reach out to you and request your help in getting these legal compliance forms completed. Course add code may not be provided until all required legal forms are complete. For more information on SLAs, visit the SDSU Procure-to-Pay website.

Once all of the above steps are complete, the course instructor will update the course permission so that you may add the course. Please note:

  • The instructor will send you an email that you have been approved to add the course, and will provide you the course number. You will follow these instructions on how to add the course by course number.
  • The course instructor may ask to meet with you to discuss your placement at any point in this process. Failure to respond to requests to meet/discuss may delay your enrollment.
  • If attempting to add the course late, follow the Late Schedule Adjustment procedures.
Additional Step: International Students Only
  • Complete the Curricular Practical Training (CPT) Form and send it to the course instructor for their signature. The form will be returned to you so that you can submit the completed form to the International Student Center. You may not work at your placement until the CPT Form has been fully processed (please confirm with the International Student Center).