Carnegie Elective Classification

The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching sponsors Elective Classifications for those institutions that have made extraordinary commitments to their public purpose. Elective Classifications are not awards. They are evidence-based documentation of institutional policy and practices focusing on areas such as institutional culture and mission, curricular and co-curricular programming, continuous improvement activities, and the recruitment and reward of faculty, staff, and students. Becoming a classified institution requires the investment of substantial effort by participating institutions to provide evidence of the commitment to a special purpose, demonstrated with precision across the breadth of the institution. 

San Diego State University is currently a Carnegie Classified Community Engagement campus.

Application Cycles & Campus Working Group

Campuses that earn a classification must recertify every five years. San Diego State University will reapply in the 2026 cycle. The recertification process is managed by the Associate Vice President for Faculty Advancement and Student Success, and the Director of the Center for Academic Community Engagement. Several experts and stakeholders across campus will convene to complete the re-classification self study during AY 2024-2025. Please read our Presidential Charge Letter for a list of those leading the self study.

2026 Overall Carnigie Reclassification Timeline


2026 Carnegie Reclass Application Timeline


SDSU Working Group Timeline


SDSU Carnegie Reclass Working Group Timeline